The Get Together

As we are opting for a small wedding, we will be hosting a gathering post-wedding to celebrate with our families and friends. So we'd like to invite our friends along with the McMahons, Kehrwalds, Archerds, and Zajiceks to come celebrate with us and mix and mingle at Minnehaha Park on August 3rd, 2013 (11:30am-3:30pm). We'll be hanging out at the Wabun C Picnic Shelter.

It will be a casual get together - open house style, so stop by and stay as long as you'd like! We'll be grilling burgers and brats (and some vegetarian option) and have fruit and chips. Please let us know if you'd like to bring something to share too. If you are a baker, take a look at the Pie Contest page! We'll have water, but your may want to bring a favorite beverage with you. Minnehaha Park is a public park that allows 3:2 beer (BYOB).

Minnehaha Falls is a park near Michael's folks' that we visited just about every chance we got during breaks from school in Morris. The park sprawls across a decent portion of southeast Minneapolis and has park shelters, a bandstand, a waterfall, hiking trails, and a disc golf course. While you celebrate with us and meet your new relatives, make sure to meander the park and take in the beautiful scenery! We'll bring some yard games and you are welcome to bring your favorite games (yard/board/card/etc) too.